We carry numerous products that allow you access control to your iron garden gates, driveway gates, iron doors, and more! Methods include but are not limited to, wireless telephone entry systems, wireless key pads, magnetic locks, mini remotes, and many other options. We help you find what option best works for your home and your budget to ensure that you are getting what is best for you. Iron Contractors has the largest selection of access control methods in Los Angeles.

We also carry wrought iron scissor gates: heavy duty accordion gates for security, folding gates are retractable and can be wall mounted or floor mounted and swivel 180 degrees.

What materials are available for Access Control Gates?

  • Remote Controls
  • Card Readers
  • Proximity Card Reader
  • Key Pads
  • Wireless Key Pad
  • Wireless Telephone Entry System
  • Free Exit Loops
  • Safety Loop
  • Safety Photo Sensor
  • Multi-Code
  • Proximity Card
  • Magnetic Lock
  • Wireless Intercom

If I have existing columns can I add a gate?

There are many driveways that are very old where the iron gate has columns that have worn over time. First, we must determine how the columns were built internally. The gate will add stress to any columns if they were not originally built to accomodate iron gates. If there is such a case, Iron Contractors will help you find suitable options to turn your concept into a reality.